What are the 3 Elements of Spirituality

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Spirituality is an individual discovery of oneself beyond identity, definition, and preconceived notions. It is a unique journey to each seeker via self-inquiry, remembrance, exploration, and reawakening of our eternal nature. And although approached distinctively in the east and west, spirituality is supported by the same spiritual principles – whether aware of it or not.

In the east, the student walks the spiritual path through detaching from material/physical possessions to reach enlightenment. The seeker transcends the physical realm rather than being in it. In the west, the student accepts the creation of the heavenly spheres and the material realm – perceiving both as one. Here, the seeker makes the three-dimensional hologram part of their journey – as within so without.

The three fundamental elements of spirituality are the same, no matter where you are in the world. But they are often not in plain sight – mainly because the spiritual path is not about how loud one walks, but how aware, present, and truthful one walks what they preach.

With that, we would like to clarify that there are not only three spiritual principles. There are many, but we would like to express these three fundamental ones in-depth:

In this age, humanity often confuses a truthful person as a conspiracy theorist and one who tells lies as ethical. But truth with the capital T can be felt and seen when one is, speaks, and acts by the purest intent of the present moment, without deceit.

People can tell when one walks and speaks by sincerity because:

the individual is at ease in both unpleasant and pleasant scenarios
the individual does not hide even at their lowest
the individual accepts their wrongs as much as they rejoice their rights
Truth is not about being right and not wrong. It is remaining honest with oneself and all involved, let alone not dreading over the feelings of others when speaking or acting upon truth. As long as you speak from the heart without malice, you are not responsible for how someone receives you – only for how and what you deliver.

When you embody this spiritual element, you will be walking in unison with the word of the Universe/God.

To stand by what is good is to stand by what is honest and sound. What is good is what is in coherence with the natural order of existence and consciousness. And what is in coherence with the natural order of the universe essentially is truth itself. Therefore, truth and goodness are bound, each one nurturing the other.

Goodness is not an act of kindness to „look good“ per se, but a quality led by Spirit. It is the driving force of the true spiritual seeker who seeks to serve his fellow human brothers and sisters.

Goodness lives in every living being, but to be good often varies for each of us, based on conditions, experiences, and viewpoints. For instance, for one person, doing/being good could be stealing to provide for their family – while for another, doing or being good is fighting for justice.

The above statement may not go hand in hand with the Hinduism principle of non-stealing – but someone’s wrong-doing (perceived by most) may be an act of pure love to the grander scope of consciousness (aka God/Source/Universe).

Goodness does not discriminate, judge, belittle or praise. It goes beyond human morals – it is pure, holy, and righteous.

We seek to emphasize the true meaning of this spiritual element and its importance in the spiritual path. Beauty equals a bundle of qualities that bring pleasure to the soul, the intellect, the body, and beyond. Without beauty, there would not be delight, joy, or sweetness to soak up. And one can only immerse and experience as much beauty as one beholds.

True beauty goes past the physical beauty everyone desires. For instance, you may have come to note that even when physical appearance is appealing, mind and intentions may be repelling.

Beauty is the symphony of the individual and the universe in natural communion. True beauty is truth, goodness and all existence, recognized.

Spirituality is not for the faint of heart. It takes true courage, devotion, and commitment to acquire responsibility for your life and all that surrounding it. Spirituality propels you to find inside yourself what you would usually seek in other people and any external sources.

If not for these three fundamental spiritual elements, there would not be a solid ground for you to stand on. Just like a flower needs a nurtured soil, your spiritual exploration requires a solidified and nurturing foundation to support your navigation and growth. When one honors truth, goodness, and beauty, life cannot help but honor, nourish and support you in return – tenfold.

written by Janine Pichetterik